Most Useful Websites & Apps Help You Enjoy Your Staying in Tongxiang!



While enjoying your staying in a small Chinese town as Tongxinag, Useful_Websites_&_APPs_Help_You_Stay_in_Tongxiang_2where is different from modern cities like Shanghai or Hangzhou, it is always hard for you to find some really useful information when there is nothing more than a phone in your hand. Now, thanks to the recommendation from a friend of mine, who is called Fish, a experienced traveller, we could known that there’s really quite a few useful websites & APPs which would do help you enjoy your staying in Tongxiang by easily found information!



By: Shelbie 管时 120909137 Class 1 


Website & APP For Travelling Tips:

First of all, Fish recommended us one website and one app for traveling tips:

The official website of Wuzhen traveling is quite a comprehensive website for Tongxiang and Wuzhen, including information of overview, photos, videos, traffic, hotel, gourmet, specialty, entertainment, services, forum, booking, conference, etc.

•      Travel Guide (APP)

A guidebook app created by, after you downloaded one guidebook of somewhere into your phone, you can check it anywhere, anytime, without the limit of internet.



Website & APP For Accommodation Servicing:


The next two website and app Fish recommended us for accommodation servicing are:

Both of these two website operate their websites and their apps at the same time, reasonable prices for accommodation servicing and flight ticket could be easily found here. Ctrip and Qunar could be seen as the most two high-quality on-line companies for ticketing service in China, also my favorite two.


Website & APP For Food and Delights:

If you are wondering, “how could I taste authentic Tongxiang delicacies?”, Useful_Websites_&_APPs_Help_You_Stay_in_Tongxiang_5then there’s another two website and app for you:

A local delicacies website, A Neng Mian, which had been launched two years ago, has become the most popular local living website in Tongxiang. Here in A Neng Mian, I bet you could find information about authentic Tongxiang delicacies most you wanted.

Dianping is a recommending website (with app) based on real recommendation from users, here you could find real reviews and photos of somewhere you want to go or you are interested in. Functions like “find the most highly recommend restaurant within a 1-km radius”, or “find the 10 best restaurant s for customer service”, are really convenient.



Website & APP For Shopping & Restaurants:


If you also couldn’t adapt yourself to the Chinese way of bargain as same as Fish and me, maybe these two  website and app are the best for you:

The most popular group purchase website now operating Tongxiang site! With the app in your phone, you could get really amazing prices all over Tongxiang!

Yi Chuan Shi Chuan Ba is a local group purchase website, which is different from Meituan, you don’t need to pay anything on-line before you get to the store. Also because it is a local group purchase website, more local features could be found here.



Website & APP For Trip:


Last but not the least, Trip websites and apps may also be the tools you want. As a experienced traveller, Fish summarized two of her best-loved for us:

How could we choose one best useful map app when there’s more than a hundred map apps in the App Store? That relies on Fish’s years’ traveling experiences. Amap, as one of the oldest map apps for years, became Fish’s first choice. So, just as the funny saying goes, ”If the old dog barks, he gives counsel”.

Whether you are new to here, or you are just do not have enough time to go to the Passenger Bus Center to by ticket to Xiaoshan Airport, the official website of Tongxiang Passenger Bus Center could help you a lot. Here on the website, you can check the departure time-table, buy your ticket, view the announcements, or even give advices and make suggestions.


In the end, wish you have a good time in Tongxiang with these useful websites & apps! If you got any questions, please feel free to contect Fish and me, here is the E-mail address:

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