Enrich our daily life; five fancy refreshmens

No one will refuse fancy refreshments, because these snacks have not only yummy taste, but also delicate exterior, which will bring us bright mood. Are you feel down? Do you feel a little tired? Try to enjoy these delicious refreshments with your buddies!

110806224 Du Jian Class 4

Ginger pork knucklezhujiaojiang_
Unlike other cooking methods, a unique way to modulate ginger vinegar is developed by the shopkeeper of the shop named “Feng Ji”, which is located in Macao. As a old shop, it is the delicious sauce of the pork knuckle that attracts so many customers. The vinegar is compounded by white vinegar, black vinegar and sweet vinegar, so its’ flavour is different from traditional ginger pork knuckle.The pork knuckles, chitterlings and other food materials are stewed so long that the soup becomes viscous and full-bodied, these stuffs are soft and glutinous with the a little sour and hot taste, no one want to miss it!

Handheld Pizza一一一一一
Do you adore pizzas? Have you ever had a time that thirst for pizzas without time sitting in restaurants to have one? Now, you do not need to worry about it, handheld pizza is a new way to enjoy pizzas when you are not in restaurants. In other words, it is an awesome gift for pizzas buffs. The coat of it is so friable that you can not help to have a bite, and its cheese that makes the eating process more amusing, because it can be drew into wire! The people who are holding a handheld pizza are on cloud nine enjoying with their intimate persons, you deserve to have this kind of fun!

Sugar-coated hawstanghulu
As a traditional snack of China, it is popular with kids and youngsters. In the past, it was made up of haws and maltose and it tasted sweet and sour. Grandparents always buy it to amuse kids, so this unique flavour always stands for our unforgettable childhood. Time flies, this snack also changes it’s taste. Besides using haws, strawberries, nuts and other stuffs also be used to make it. Because of colourful exterior and fresh taste, it is accepted by more and more people, there is no better choice to have a string of sugar-coated haws in the winter.

Small octopus ballsxiaowanzi_
As a popular food material, octopuses are used in many dishes and refreshments, such as this snack “small octopus balls”. It comes from Taiwan, which can be bought in roadside stalls. Mixing eggs, octopus and seaweeds makes it savoury, you will be indulged in it if you favor sea foods. When it just be cooked, you can not wait to have a bite, the outside is fragile and the inside is soft. With the dressing and terminak sauce, it has a more amazing flavour. Because of the convenience of taking it, it becomes a fashion handheld snack when walking or shopping.

Chocolate Fonduehuoguo2
The snack is irresistible for sweet goods buffs and it is very popular especially with the girls favor Swiss fondue. The edible method is similar to cheese fondue, boil beforehand chocolate sauce in the pot, and then use long-handled to fork fruit slices, dip piece by piece in chocolate sauce to eat, until the sauce be run out. I believe you must be attracted by these fresh fruits and full-bodied chocolate sauce, i feel on the top of the world when i enjoy it every time, which will recharge my battery, making me more dynamic.Furthermore, because of sweet of the chocolate, many lovers will consider it as their afternoon tea when they have a date.


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